We know that when you think 'PAWS of Muskingum County', you probably think of adorable cats at Petsmart and the Chatty Cat Cafe. Or, you think about our spay/neuter transports for kitties. And we did consider making the festival all about cats -- there was a short discussion about it -- but most cats aren't really into festivals, or crowds, or, you know, dogs, so we went another direction. We host monthly clinics that include pups, after all.
We put out a call for folks to participate, and WOW! We'll be highlighting different aspects of the festival in several blog posts -- today it is all about fun for the pups! There will be so much for your doggie to experience at the festival on Saturday, May 4th! Here's a sampling:
Pet FBI will be at the festival from noon on, with microchips, microchip scanning, and they will even check and update your microchip records! https://petfbi.org
The Winston Pet Hotel is bringing their grooming bus, and they will be around ALL DAY, offering $10 nail trims, and donating what they earn back to our organization! https://www.thewinstonpethotel.com
Fur Mama Factory will be bringing their doggie treat and gift shop bus, so that your canine companion can have a nice snack and treat! https://furmamafactory.com
Sit Means Sit will be showing off some of their well-trained pups: https://sitmeanssit.com/dog-training-mu/new-albany-zanesville-dog-training/gon
Gone to the Dogs will be demonstrating the power of doggie daycare and doggie fun: https://gonetothedogszanesville.com/
Drone Pet Recovery will be illustrating their ability to help find lost dogs. https://avodadrones.com/drone-pet-recovery
And of course, at 10 am the 1 mile fun run/walk starts, and your doggies are welcome there, too. (Remember, if you decide to participate at the last minute, registration opens on the day at 8:30 am). Direct link to the RSU registration page: Festival of PAWS Run & Walk (runsignup.com)
If you are not currently owned by a doggo, you will pleased to know that some of our local animal nonprofits will be there, too: Kind Hands 4 PAWS (https://kindhands4paws.com ) and S.P.O.T. - the Morgan County Humane Society (https://www.morganspot.org/) have both already signed up for spots at the festival. Rumor has it the Muskingum County Humane Society will be there, too!
And we are still a few days out -- who knows who will decide to join us, especially now that the weather report is looking wonderful? Only time will tell! Mark your calendars!
If you are interested in adding your own products or services to our festival, remember that you can register online on this webpage by clicking on the 'PAWS Festival' box.
Next up (in a few days): showcasing the artisans and vendors!