The preparation is beginning for the annual Christmas auction! This year it will be held on December 9, at the Welcome Center in downtown Zanesville (plenty of parking, woohoo!)
Lots of businesses and organizations provide swag that we use for our auction, and they do so in part so that people can learn about their business, and get a chance, perhaps, to try things that they haven't tried before.
You already know about the golf outings -- those have been a perennial favorite for years. This past year the Vintage Ohio wine festival folks sent us a couple of tickets for their event. Vintage Ohio promotes Ohio wines -- so it's buying local, really, and helping an Ohio industry. And if you haven't tried a pretty recent (and VERY local) Ohio winery -- the Headley Inn (who also contributed to the auction) you should do so! They are growing and making a splash (so to speak) with their excellent wines. You can check out more information on the Vintage Ohio event here:
It's not just wineries, of course. Loads of local businesses contribute to our annual auction, and in turn loads of people attend the auction and bid on those packages. It is a great circle of contribution, all of which helps us in our primary mission: helping folks get their animals spayed or neutered.
While the auction is our largest fundraiser, this year we are aiming to branch out. Keep an eye out for more information on a comedy night (planned for October) and other events in the fall and next spring.